6. Code Docs

csrbox.csr_gen.create_concat_vector(mylist, xlen)[source]

Function to return a bsv-string for a csr which is the concetation of the all its subfields and gaps replaced with zeros’


mylist – A list of 3 tuple entries. Each entry has the following

information per subfield [msb of subfield, width of the subfield, name of the subfield]


string with concatenation of all the sub-fields.

csrbox.csr_gen.csr_decoder(isa_yaml, work_dir, bsv, logging=False)[source]

Function to generate the bluespec decoder file indicating if the access to the CSR if valid or not :param isa_yaml: the riscv-config isa YAML :param work_dir: path to the directory where the bluespec files should be generated :param bsv: name of the file to be created inside the work_dir

csrbox.csr_gen.csr_define(isa_yaml, work_dir, bsv, logging=False)[source]

Function which generates the defines file which captues the macro encodings used across the csrbox bsv modules

  • isa_yaml (dict) – the riscv-config isa YAML

  • work_dir (str) – path to the directory where the bluespec files should be generated

  • bsv (str) – name of the file to be created inside the work_dir

csrbox.csr_gen.csr_gen(isa_file, grp_file, work_dir, logging=False)[source]

Top level function which validates the sanity of the grouping yaml followed by calls to subfunctions which generated the corresponding bluespec code. This function further assumes that the riscv-config isa yaml provided is the validated/normalized version.

We also update the the size node for the csrs in the attributes YAML file based on the csrs that have been instantiated in the riscv-config YAML

  • isa_file (str) – path to the validated riscv-config ISA yaml file

  • grp_file (str) – path to the csr grouping YAML file.

  • work_dir (str) – path to the directory where the bluespec files should be generated

csrbox.csr_gen.csr_top(isa_yaml, grp_yaml, attr_yaml, rvxlen, pkgname, logging=False)[source]

Function to create the top level bluespec module which instantiates the individual group/station and creates the connection between them.

The function also creates the methods required for handling traps and returns.

  • isa_yaml (dict) – the riscv-config isa YAML

  • grp_yaml (dict) – the grouping YAML

  • attr_yaml (dict) – the attributes YAML

  • rvxlen (str) – a string containing the format: “rv32” or “rv64” depending on the XLEN value of the DUT

  • pkgname (str) – name of the bluespec package this code belongs to.

csrbox.csr_gen.csr_types(isa_yaml, work_dir, bsv, logging=False)[source]

Function to generate the types bluespec file which includes structures and functions that are used across the csrbox modules

  • isa_yaml (dict) – the riscv-config isa YAML

  • work_dir (str) – path to the directory where the bluespec files should be generated

  • bsv (str) – name of the file to be created inside the work_dir

csrbox.csr_gen.derive_warl_func(csr_name, width, warl_str)[source]

Function to convert the warl strings in the riscv-config YAML to corresponding bluespec code.

The function first splits the warl string into the condition and the legalizing strings. A regular expression is then applied to both strings separately to extract parameters and create bluespec code.

  • csr_name (str) – string indicating the name of the csr

  • width (int) – indicates the max size of the csr

  • warl_str (str) – containts the warl string from the riscv-config YAML string

csrbox.csr_gen.find_group(bar, csrname, logging=False)[source]

Function to find the group which a particular csr belongs to in the grouping yaml

  • bar (dict) – the grouping YAML

  • csrname (str) – the name of the csr


name of thr group where the csr belongs. None if it is absent altogether

csrbox.csr_gen.get_reset_val(value, width, lsb, xlen)[source]

Function to extract ‘width’ number of bits starting at the ‘lsb’ position of the value. Note here that the python indexes the binary string from the let while the lsb defines the position from the right. Hence the need for this function

  • value – the integer value from which bits need to be extracted.

  • width – size of extraction

  • lsb – starting position of extraction


returns the reset value in decimal form

csrbox.csr_gen.groups_gen(isa_yaml, grp_yaml, attr_yaml, work_dir, logging=False)[source]

Function which co-ordinates the generation of all the bluespec code for the individual groups/stations and the top level bluespec module.

The function first creates a subset of the riscv-config isa yaml based on the csrs present in each group and calls various sub-functions to generate the corresponding bsv file of the individual groups/station.

Once the station files are generated the csr_top is called which is used to generate the top module instantiating and connecting all the individual groups/stations.

  • isa_yaml (dict) – the riscv-config isa YAML

  • grp_yaml (dict) – the grouping YAML

  • attr_yaml (dict) – the attributes YAML

  • work_dir (str) – path to the directory where the bluespec files should be generated

csrbox.csr_gen.station_interface(isa_yaml, grp_yaml, attr_yaml, rvxlen, pkg_name, last, bsvstr, logging=False)[source]

Function to create the interface definition of individual groups/stations.

First Value methods are created for all csrs that are instantiated in the particular group. Next, custom action methods required for specific csrs of their subfields are created.

Finally action methods to read shadow or dependent csrs is created.

  • isa_yaml (dict) – the riscv-config isa YAML

  • grp_yaml (dict) – the grouping YAML

  • attr_yaml (dict) – the attributes YAML

  • rvxlen (str) – a string containing the format: “rv32” or “rv64” depending on the XLEN value of the DUT

  • pkg_name (str) – name of the bluespec package this code belongs to.

  • last (bool) – indicating this is the last station in the chain

  • bsvstr (str) – string containing rest of the code generated for the particular group/station

  • work_dir (str) – path to the directory where the bluespec files should be generated

csrbox.csr_gen.station_methods(isa_yaml, grp_yaml, attr_yaml, rvxlen, pkg_name, last, bsvstr, logging=False)[source]

Function to create the bluespec method definitions for each group/station. First the value methods of each csr in the group is created. Followed by custom action method and then the shadow/dependent csrs.

  • isa_yaml (dict) – the riscv-config isa YAML

  • grp_yaml (dict) – the grouping YAML

  • attr_yaml (dict) – the attributes YAML

  • rvxlen (str) – a string containing the format: “rv32” or “rv64” depending on the XLEN value of the DUT

  • pkg_name (str) – name of the bluespec package this code belongs to.

  • last (bool) – indicating this is the last station in the chain

  • bsvstr (str) – string containing rest of the code generated for the particular group/station

  • work_dir (str) – path to the directory where the bluespec files should be generated

csrbox.csr_gen.station_modbody(isa_yaml, grp_yaml, attr_yaml, rvxlen, pkg_name, last, bsvstr, logging=False)[source]

Function to create the bluespec module rules/body requirements per csr basis

  • isa_yaml (dict) – the riscv-config isa YAML

  • grp_yaml (dict) – the grouping YAML

  • attr_yaml (dict) – the attributes YAML

  • rvxlen (str) – a string containing the format: “rv32” or “rv64” depending on the XLEN value of the DUT

  • pkg_name (str) – name of the bluespec package this code belongs to.

  • last (bool) – indicating this is the last station in the chain

  • bsvstr (str) – string containing rest of the code generated for the particular group/station

  • work_dir (str) – path to the directory where the bluespec files should be generated

csrbox.csr_gen.station_module(isa_yaml, grp_yaml, attr_yaml, rvxlen, pkg_name, last, bsvstr, logging=False)[source]

Function to create the bluespec module syntax and other synthesis attributes of the module

  • isa_yaml (dict) – the riscv-config isa YAML

  • grp_yaml (dict) – the grouping YAML

  • attr_yaml (dict) – the attributes YAML

  • rvxlen (str) – a string containing the format: “rv32” or “rv64” depending on the XLEN value of the DUT

  • pkg_name (str) – name of the bluespec package this code belongs to.

  • last (bool) – indicating this is the last station in the chain

  • bsvstr (str) – string containing rest of the code generated for the particular group/station

  • work_dir (str) – path to the directory where the bluespec files should be generated

csrbox.csr_gen.station_regs(isa_yaml, grp_yaml, attr_yaml, rvxlen, pkg_name, last, bsvstr, logging=False)[source]

Function to create the register and wires required to create the csrs. The function also creates WARL bluespec syntax using the derive_warl_func function.

First the shadow/dependent wires are declared followed by the instantiation of the csrs present in the current group

  • isa_yaml (dict) – the riscv-config isa YAML

  • grp_yaml (dict) – the grouping YAML

  • attr_yaml (dict) – the attributes YAML

  • rvxlen (str) – a string containing the format: “rv32” or “rv64” depending on the XLEN value of the DUT

  • pkg_name (str) – name of the bluespec package this code belongs to.

  • last (bool) – indicating this is the last station in the chain

  • bsvstr (str) – string containing rest of the code generated for the particular group/station

  • work_dir (str) – path to the directory where the bluespec files should be generated

csrbox.csr_gen.station_req(isa_yaml, grp_yaml, attr_yaml, rvxlen, pkg_name, last, bsvstr, logging=False)[source]

The function to create the final methods which serves the request from the core for each csr.

  • isa_yaml (dict) – the riscv-config isa YAML

  • grp_yaml (dict) – the grouping YAML

  • attr_yaml (dict) – the attributes YAML

  • rvxlen (str) – a string containing the format: “rv32” or “rv64” depending on the XLEN value of the DUT

  • pkg_name (str) – name of the bluespec package this code belongs to.

  • last (bool) – indicating this is the last station in the chain

  • bsvstr (str) – string containing rest of the code generated for the particular group/station

  • work_dir (str) – path to the directory where the bluespec files should be generated