4. Usage

4.1. CLI

Once you have CSRBOX installed, executing csrbox --help should print the following on the terminal.

Usage: csrbox [OPTIONS]

  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  -v, --verbose [info|error|debug]
                                  Set verbose level
  -ispec, --isaspec PATH          RISCV-CONFIG ISA File
  -gspec, --grpspec PATH          Grouping YAML File
  --workdir PATH                  Work directory path
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

4.2. Importing in other Projects

To use CSRBOX in a project first install it and use the following python syntax:

import csrbox

4.3. Test

To test the csrbox a sample makefile is provided. Run the following command to test:

make generate_csrbox generate_verilog XLEN=32